Saturday, August 30, 2008

Crazy Days of Summer...

The last few weeks have been crazy and haven't left me time to blog. We took a mini vacation to Seattle, I got a new Tattoo, Regen had tons of cheer events, we went hiking at Bolder Cave, and then Regen started school for the year. To cover this all I am giving you pictures and videos.
Enjoy, I know we have loved this summer!

Picking Blackberries with Nana Becky

My Tattoo outline

Finished Tattoo, I Love It!

Regen's First day of school

Go Redskins!

Hanging in Seattle

Wild Carousel Horse runs Regen over!

Seattle Aquarium

Death by Octopus

Regen and the Pike Street Pig

Regen 's cheer for William

Having fun at Bolder Cave

What a summer, I loved getting to spend fun time with Regen. We are already planning next summer and some fun trips.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Quote I am trying to live by...

I would rather you hate me for who I truly am, then love me for being someone I am not
In the past I have found myself changing who I present to the world to make others happy!

Now in the restarting of my life, I am trying to live for myself.

I am trying to live by the above quote.

Trying to love myself for who I am and not try to be what others think I should be.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I love being a mom...really I do...

I love being a mom...I do... but every so often I go through a "mom funk". Being a single mom makes it so I have very little "me" time. I have no family that can take Regen for the night or even for a day. Most of my friends are kidless, and Regen's friends don't really do stuff together on the weekends, so I rarely get a kid free weekend. I've gotten away lately, but each time it has been packed with class and travel, or it's a quick trip with others, no real time to you add up six to twelve months of this and I hit the "mom funk". "Mom funk" is when you truly love your kids but you wish they would just disappear for a day or so (of course somewhere safe), or it was legal to duck tape them in the closet for an hour or so ( just kidding). I get crabby, short tempered, fussy, and I just want to be left alone. I hate being in the funk, and try hard to not reach that point. However this round of "mom funk" has hit me unawares, I was so focused on work, Regen's cheer, and school starting that I didn't notice my testiness, and the need for "me" time till I was in full funk mode. Now I am desperately looking at our schedule trying to find a day. even a few hours that I can escape into and get out of this funk. Why is it that even when you love your kids, want to be in their lives as much as possible, you still get the "mom funk" and wanna get away from them???